Peter Bellamy, Merlin's Isle of Gramarye
More songs from the “Puck” stories by Rudyard Kipling


Argo Records ZFB 81 (LP, UK, November 1972)


Questo album viene registrato ai Decca Studios di Londra nel Giugno 1972 da Iain Churches. Il produttore è Kevin Daly e i suggestivi disegni di copertina dello stesso Bellamy. Dopo "Oak, Ash & Thorn", Bellamy torna a mettere in musica testi di Ruyard Kipling e in particolare "Puck of Pook's Hill" e "Reward and Fairies". Tra le composizioni va segnalata la bellissima "The Queen's Men", arrangiata da Dolly Collins.



1. Puck's Song - 2. A Smuggler's Song - 3. The Run of The Downs - 4. Eddi's Service - 5. The Queen's Men - 6. The Bee-boy's Song - 7. Harp Song of the Dane Women - 8. Song of the Men's Side - 9. The Heavens Above Us (An Astrologer's Song) - 10. Prophets at Home - 11. Who Shall Judge The Lord? (A Carol) - 12. St Helena (A St. Helena Lullaby) - 13. The Way Through The Woods - 14. The Bricklayer and The Shipwright (A Truthful Song) - 15. Song of the Red Warboat.